Access to and use of the domain and all its subdomains (hereinafter referred to as the website) is subject to the Terms of Use of the website, Privacy Policy, and all applicable laws. By accessing the website and its content, regardless of the manner of use, the user expressly agrees to these Terms and our Privacy Policy. Since the Terms and Privacy Policy regulate your use of the website, please be aware of possible updates and changes. Any such changes become effective immediately upon publication and apply to the use of the site after that moment. Any use of the site is deemed to be done with the acceptance of the Terms and Privacy Policy. The regulation of all legal relationships that may arise from the use of the website is carried out in accordance with these Terms.
CEO Consulting reserves the right to change, limit, or deny access to the website at any time in case of violation of the Terms and Conditions. The holder of all exploitation rights and other rights to the content of the website is CEO Consulting. CEO Consulting allows partner organizations to download content from the website but in that case, it is not responsible for any errors or damage arising from such content. CEO Consulting is not responsible for any form of damage caused by unauthorized, improper use, or misuse of the website by users.
Documents, data, and information published on the website must not be reproduced, distributed, or in any way used contrary to these Terms. By using the website content, the user accepts all risks arising from such use and agrees to use the content solely for personal use and at their own risk. The website's content is prohibited from being used for commercial purposes. Storing or copying the content for any purpose other than personal use is prohibited. Using the website in a way that allows access to it from another website through a link, mirror, or in any other way without obtaining prior approval is also prohibited.
The user is fully responsible for their communication and use of the website. Obscene or violent expressions, harassment, threats, or abuse of any part of the website, including email, cloud, or other communication channels, are strictly prohibited. Falsely representing other individual or legal persons is prohibited. Uploading, posting, distributing, sending, or otherwise communicating any material that is vengeful, vulgar, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of intellectual property, violates privacy rights, or brings negative publicity to another natural or legal person is prohibited. Hate speech, racial or ethnically unwelcome speech, or speech that may constitute or incite a criminal act, violates others' rights, and violates the laws of the Republic of Croatia, the European Union, or international standards of conduct are prohibited.
An individual or legal person who believes that CEO Consulting has violated their copyright or related rights is authorized to report such violation immediately via email to and specify the content they consider to be violating. CEO Consulting will promptly review each such report and, if it finds a violation of someone's rights, will remove the disputed content as soon as possible.
All content on the website, including textual content, photos, visual identity, graphics, trademarks, and logos, is protected by the copyright laws of the Republic of Croatia, the European Union, and international law. They must not be used except as provided in these Terms without the explicit permission of CEO Consulting. Changing, publishing, transmitting, selling, displaying, processing, copying, or otherwise using the content, visual identity, applications, and software of the website is prohibited unless such use is exceptionally provided in these Terms or results from the prior approval of CEO Consulting.
In the registration or creation of a user account to access the CEO Consulting cloud, a username and a security password will be assigned to the user, all based on separate and informed consent to the Privacy Policy. All data required for registration or user account creation must be true, and it is explicitly prohibited to falsely represent others or use their accounts. A user account is created for one person only, and it is not allowed to share registration or user account data with third parties. The user is obliged to keep their credentials as a business secret. Using another user's account to access the website is not allowed. For a violation of the provisions of the Terms related to the user account, CEO Consulting reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disable user access by disabling the user account, without any obligation to reimburse the user for any costs or damages.
This website may contain links to other websites. When you click a link to these sites, you leave this website. CEO Consulting has no control over such websites, their content, business practices, and rules of use and privacy. Therefore, be cautious and review the terms of service and privacy rules of all websites you visit to learn more about their information collection practices. CEO Consulting disclaims any responsibility for the availability or accuracy of the content of third-party websites and is not responsible for any advertising, products, services, information, or other materials available on third-party websites. The presence of any link on the website does not mean that CEO Consulting endorses the linked site. The use of links is at the user's own risk.